New issue by paper42 on void-packages repository Description: Every transitional package has at least these 3 common variables: * `build_style=meta` - otherwise the build would fail because of an empty package * `depends=...` - usually `${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}`, but often `${version}_${revision}` is left out or `${sourcepkg}` is replaced by something else, for example `${sourcepkg}-devel` * `short_desc+=" transitional package"` or an equivalent, many versions currently exist in packages a few examples: ``` antimicro_package() { build_style=meta depends="${sourcepkg}" short_desc+=" - transitional dummy package" } ``` ``` Gifsicle_package() { depends="gifsicle" short_desc+=" (transitional dummy package)" build_style=meta } ``` This is a proposal for a vdummy function that fills these variables for the packager, for example: ``` antimicro_package() { vdummy ${sourcepkg} } ``` `vdummy` should take one argument - the package name and use it in `$depends` - `depends="$1>=${version}_${revision}"`. `vdummy` will also unify `$short_desc` for transitional packages, I would propose to use the ` - (transitional dummy package)` style.