New issue by Eloitor on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 5.18.19_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate rFFFFFF ### Package(s) Affected sagemath-9.5_2 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? _No response_ ### Expected behaviour I installed `nbgrader` for sagemath using `sage -pip install --user nbgrader` To autograde a jupyter notebook using it ``` $ sage -p ~/.sage/local/bin/nbgrader autograde "Entrega0" ``` The notebook is automatically graded. ### Actual behaviour When running ``` $ sage -p ~/.sage/local/bin/nbgrader autograde "Entrega0" ``` It broke with the following error message: ``` /bin/sage: lĂ­nia 1047: sage-logger: no s'ha trobat l'ordre ``` Running `sage -p ~/.sage/local/bin/nbgrader` without any other argument results in the same issue. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install `sagemath` 2. Run `sage -pip install --user nbgrader` 3. Run `sage -p ~/.sage/local/bin/nbgrader`