There is a new pull request by cultab against master on the void-packages repository luaexpat lua54-luaexpat: update to 1.5.0 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** ran the following example code sourced from the project's homepage and tested by writing a few xml tags to it's stdin. ```lua lxp = require"lxp" -- added "lxp =" which was NOT IN the version on the homepage local count = 0 callbacks = { StartElement = function (parser, name) io.write("+ ", string.rep(" ", count), name, "\n") count = count + 1 end, EndElement = function (parser, name) count = count - 1 io.write("- ", string.rep(" ", count), name, "\n") end } p = for l in io.lines() do -- iterate lines p:parse(l) -- parses the line p:parse("\n") -- parses the end of line end p:parse() -- finishes the document p:close() -- closes the parser ``` Then I ran: ```shell echo 'one leveltwo' | lua test.lua ``` and got the following every time: ``` + asdf + noice - noice - asdf ``` #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, x86_64, glibc - I build (and tested briefly) packages for lua versions 5.4, 5.3 5.2 and 5.1 Updated this package because it was mentioned on #39072 and go-ipfs turned out to be very hard to upgrade (not really but fs-repo-migration was hard 😡). A patch file from is attached