New issue by TrueTechie on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 5.19.17_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate FFFFF ### Package(s) Affected pam-1.5.2_2 lightdm-1.32.0_2 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? _No response_ ### Expected behaviour After setting up Lightdm and modifying `/etc/security/limits.conf` and restarting the system, the output of `ulimit -Hn` should be the same as that defined in the configuration file. For example, mine has the following line for playing games with ESync: ``` elliot hard nofile 524288 ``` So the output of `ulimit -Hn` would be: `524288` ### Actual behaviour No matter what is written in `/etc/security/limits.conf`, the output of `ulimit -Hn` is just the default of `4096`. According to [this issue]( in 2020, this can be fixed by adding `session required` to `/etc/pam.d/lightdm`. This should be enabled by default, but the issue was automatically closed due to inactivity. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install and configure Lightdm 2. Set limits in `/etc/security/limits.conf` 3. Restart system 4. Log in via Lightdm 5. Run `ulimit -Hn`