There is a new pull request by ahesford against master on the void-packages repository pep517 [NOMERGE] Abandon pip in python3-pep517 build style Using `pip`, the package manager, as a builder and installer in the `python3-pep517` build style was always a poor choice. Now that `python3-build` and `python3-installer` have apparently matured a bit and fall under the PyPA umbrella, let's use those instead. This poses a bit of a bootstrap problem because PyPA doesn't seem to worry about dependency cycles, so we need to handle the core packages apart from the `python3-pep517` build style. Thus, we still use `pip` to install `python3-installer` and `python3-flit_core`. Note that these packages are still in flux. For example, `pyproject-hooks` used to be called `pep517` and is still named that in the released version, but I'm using the new name to avoid a package rename in the future. Also, `python3-build` appears to have moved to `python3-flit_core` as the build backend, but the released version is still using `python3-setuptools`. We'll get there eventually... I'm going to rebuild all of the `python3-pep517` packages to make sure this doesn't break anything. A patch file from is attached