There is a new pull request by paper42 against master on the void-packages repository decentralize-shlibs [NOMERGE] [POC] common/hooks: move shlibs from common/shlibs to individual templates shlibs are now in individual packages and not in a centralized common/shlibs file. The third optional column was used to restrict the shlib to a specific arch which is now not required, the shlibs list can be easily modified with shell code just like any other variable. ## TODO * how much slower is this? xbps-query -o is slow when a lot of packages are installed * adjust pkglint rules * add a pkglint rule that checks that an shlib actually exists in the pkg * currently every shlib has to be on its own line which can easily break with += and there can not be a whitespace at the beginning of the line * one limitation is that the package template can not be fully sourced, so it's not possible to for example have different shlibs when an option is enabled, but that was not possible now either This is currently just an experiment, building opendoas is known to work with these changes. A patch file from is attached