New issue by Vogtinator on void-packages repository Description: To fix, we also applied your qtbase patch `big-endian-scroll.patch` to openSUSE. However, we got a bug report that this broke popup menus: When e.g. opening a context menu, the application completely stops reacting to mouse events (internally reported as This is because it's missing endianess conversion in `QXcbConnection::xi2SetMouseGrabEnabled`. You might want to add the missing part manually: ``` @@ -826,6 +828,8 @@ bool QXcbConnection::xi2SetMouseGrabEnabled(xcb_window_t w, bool grab) | XCB_INPUT_XI_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH_UPDATE | XCB_INPUT_XI_EVENT_MASK_TOUCH_END; + mask = qToLittleEndian(mask); + for (int id : qAsConst(m_xiMasterPointerIds)) { xcb_generic_error_t *error = nullptr; auto cookie = xcb_input_xi_grab_device(xcb_connection(), w, XCB_CURRENT_TIME, XCB_CURSOR_NONE, id, ``` or grab the updated patch: CC @q66