There is a new pull request by yoshiyoshyosh against master on the void-packages repository srb2k New package: srb2kart-1.6 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** - This new package conforms to the [package requirements]( **YES** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (x86_64-glibc) - I built this PR locally for these architectures (if supported. mark crossbuilds): - x86_64-musl (crossbuild) - armv6l (crossbuild) - i686 (crossbuild) - aarch64 (crossbuild) Closes #19355 most of srb2kart follows the same build style as srb2 with some tiny differences, so I used srb2's template as a base. there's some funkiness with where the result of the build is placed (`bin/Linux64` seems to be used exclusively for `x86_64`, since `aarch64` didn't get output there), but I think this covers all bases (I made sure to cross compile lots). this package is restricted because srb2 is restricted. A patch file from is attached