There is a new pull request by zmudc against master on the void-packages repository tigervnc-update tigervnc: update to 1.13.1, add service directory In addition to updating to the latest version, this commit also fixes multiple issues with this package: - Upstream only provides a systemd service, but Void needs a runit service - Upstream presumes a system with SELinux and systemd, but Void does not have SELinux and uses elogind, not systemd - Upstream requires an Xsession script that is not always present on Void systems - Upstream only provides a forking and detaching vncsession daemon which is not very compatible with runit This PR addresses all of the above issues by adding the necessary tweaks for Void: - Void-compatible PAM configuration for systems without SELinux and elogind instead of systemd - a fallback Xsession wrapper script - define conf_files that should not be overwritten on upgrades - add a README.voidlinux file - patch vncsession.c to prevent it from forking The patch to vncsession.c hopefully will be accepted upstream to fix upstream issue: #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** Tested on x86_64-musl, also built for x86_64, checked xlint which passed A patch file from is attached