There is a new pull request by MeganerdNL against master on the void-packages repository grafana-10.0.3 grafana: update to 10.0.3 #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (x86-64-glibc) - I built this PR locally for these architectures: - armv6l-glibc Grafana is on a rather old version on Void Linux - the 8 series. Going to the 9 series has no breaking changes as far as I can see. Going to the 10 series has some: but nothing too fancy imho. One notable change is a new executable _grafana_ which will deprecate _grafana-cli_ **and** _grafana-server_. For now they are included all 3 for compatibility. A patch file from is attached