There is a new pull request by SpidFightFR against master on the void-packages repository void-mesa-23.1.6 mesa: update to version 23.1.6. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **NO** Hey guys , it's me again. A little PR that will be replacing the first one i made for mesa 23.1.5. This one is for mesa 23.1.6, this version will be - according to the [calendar]( - the latest version of mesa for the 23.1.X series. Meaning, mesa 23.2 will be the next mesa release and should be coming soon. As always I'll keep an eye out for this to happen in order for us to have this version ASAP. In the meantime, enjoy mesa 23.1.6 ! Take care lads. Best regards - Spid. :smile: A patch file from is attached