New issue by Yorizuka on void-packages repository Description: I am not tying to spam and I am not reaching out in bad faith, the text below is from a comment I made on a pull request, but I have a feeling no one is going to read a post on a PR that was merged months ago. I have lost all trust in the current maintainers of this project. I still like this distribution and really wish I could continue using it without worrying. I want things to improve. The usual disgruntled response is "Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own distribution. With blackjack and hookers!", but I don't have the desire, skill or time to maintain a gnu+linux distribution or a repo. Instead I am making my voice known and maybe something positive can happen. I believe the main issue is one of communication. I think solving communication between users and maintainers would do void a lot of good. I would like to get an opinion from the maintainers on this. Below this line, is the original post, it describes my frustrations. its from the 44422 PR Every encounter I have had with the maintainers has been a negative one for the last few years. Look I understand opensource work pays nothing and is often a thankless job. But I have interacted with maintainers for other project and it never was this bad. Consistently moves are made with zero attempt to communicate them before they are done. This is not a one-off, this is a pattern, I will list the last 3 times that upsetting actions have been done before communicating them from my memory. 1. I have attempted to a good user and to give back, on my first contribution I had my Pull request closed with no explanation as to why. (An explanation did come, but it was a day later, after I gave up.) While I still feel it was a bit rude, I forgive this one. (please do not harass any of the people involved) 2. Another upsetting action the maintainers have done is hijacking an existing packages and shipping a different program under the same name with zero communication about it before they did so. This one alone under other a sightly different context would of had mobs of angry people & is still in principle an unacceptable behavior. The new launcher was not 1 to 1 compatible & gave me quite the scare, I a small amount of time thought my 7 year old world was lost, that was stressful. 3. This: Most users do not interact with the maintainers of the software they use. There is a silent majority that is not hanging out in the IRC. Given the current popular stance on Crypto, I'm guessing this has more then just technical motivations, I understand not adding new coins, but looking at the Monero wallet, this clearly is a quick and dirty hit job, The Monero wallet was removed, but the debug and development files are still showing up in the search. I do not appreciate the maintainers making life style choices for me, Whats next? Are you going to remove TOR, that allows you to access and do bad things. Maybe void should remove everything with encryption, it's what bad people use to hide things. I use to run xbps-install -Suy weekly, keeping my system up to date, Now hesitate to update, every time I do so there is a chance something annoying will be done by the maintainers and that I should go double check.