New issue by Requion on void-packages repository Description: Hello, i saw the subject line mentioned in #46170 . I like Guake and am actively using it, thus i would like to keep it working. Unfortunately my journey with Void and package maintenance just started and i lack the knowledge to fix it myself currently. For this reason, i wanted to provide my findings so far to help fixing the template as good as i can. From what i could gather so far, the `vsed -i 's/from mock/from unittest.mock/g' guake/tests/` line fails because the directory `quake/tests/` does not exist in the tarball downloaded from (it is included in the github tarball though). The `distfiles` property was changed from github to pypi in [^1] by @Johnnynator , which, as per Guakes docs, is the correct approach to [build from source]( There are multiple options to fix this, which is where i am uncertain about the correct approach. 1. Ask [upstream]( to include the tests in the tarball published on pypi 2. Remove the tests from the template (which were probably added for a reason) 3. Others which i personally see as *too hacky* like sideloading the tests This said, i am looking forward on any feedback helping to fix the issue and improving my know-how on how to contribute. Regards Requion [^1]: I searched / linked the commit to understand the turn of events, not to point fingers.