There is a new pull request by omar-polo against master on the void-packages repository opensmtdp-filter-rspamd-0.1.8 opensmtpd-filter-rspamd: update to 0.1.8 - I tested the changes in this PR: **NO** - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (amd64-musl) This brings in a rather important IMHO security fix: it's possible to crash filter-rspamd by attempting to log in as a user with a "|" character in it. Doing so will also quit opensmtpd since it dies once a filter exits. Furthermore, this update will also be needed for the next opensmtpd version since it'll bump the protocol version. I haven't actually run this on void linux, but I'm using it on other systems and the [diff is quite small](, I don't expect actual breakages. A patch file from is attached