New issue by michalszmidt on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name sstp-client ### Package homepage ### Description SSTP is Microsofts Remote Access Solution (RAS) for PPP over SSL. SSTP-Client features: - Connect to Microsoft RAS network using SSTP - Use HTTPS with strong encryption over port 443 - Asynchronous HDLC frame support - Integration with pon/poff with various distributions Already tried creating `template` without success. ```ini pkgname=sstp-client version=1.0.19 revision=1 build_style=configure configure_args='--with-libevent=2 --disable-static --with-runtime-dir="/var/run/sstpc" --enable-group=sstpc --enable-user=sstpc --prefix=/usr' hostmakedepends="ppp shadow gawk" makedepends="pkg-config ppp-devel libevent-devel libevent openssl openssl-devel autoconf autoconf-archive libtool automake" depends="ppp libevent openssl" short_desc="A client implementation of SSTP VPN for Linux" license="GPL-2.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${version}/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" checksum=e2652365f69f5037102e78f4e115ff764a390b27bb3fd513a8a50b10a61bb613 make_install_args="prefix=/usr" pre_configure() { getent group sstpc || /usr/bin/groupadd sstpc getent passwd sstpc || /usr/bin/useradd -r \ -c "Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) Client" \ -g sstpc \ -d /var/run/sstpc \ -s /usr/bin/nologin \ sstpc pppd_version="$(pppd --version | cut -d ' ' -f 3)" configure_args="$configure_args --with-pppd-plugin-dir=/usr/lib/pppd/$pppd_version" echo "$configure_args" prefix='/usr' autoreconf --install } pre_build() { cd $wrksrc ./configure } do_check(){ cd $wrksrc make check } post_install() { vlicense COPYING } ``` ### Does the requested package meet the package requirements? Compiled, Required ### Is the requested package released? Yes