There is a new pull request by SpidFightFR against master on the void-packages repository update-gns3 gns3-server: update to version 2.2.43. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (X64-GlibC) Hey lads, i tried to update GNS3 server, as it was an idea i got for a school project, basically, the web ui was broken before version 2.2.40. However the building process acted weird: it went SUPER FAST, with warnings, sure, but all the way through. It's weird to me, so i'll make this a draft PR, if someone can confirm me it's a normal behavior, then i'll make it a normal PR, but i think something is wrong here, even tho xbps-src went all way through. I also removed the importlib patch as the modifications brought by it were already in the distant repo, it was no longer useful. A patch file from is attached