New issue by rdslw on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void x86_musl ### Package(s) Affected linux5.15-5.15.* ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? no, this is void specific bug. ### Expected behaviour package linux5.15 is able to install even if /boot is a vfat partition, and chown/chmod commands may return errors, which are ignored by install scripts of linux5 package ### Actual behaviour If the /boot (where /vmlinuz-XXX and config-XXX and initramfs-XXX are installed) is vfat filesystem (not the ext4/btrfs/others), installation of linux5.15 package fails, due to the inability to set ownership and permissions during xbps install. What's funny, files ARE copied to /boot, but the install process fails with error after copy. So it is enough to run xpbs install three times in a row (without any fixes) and the third run, completes fine. Important: this bug is old, it was not introduced recently, but probably been with us for a long time. Error messages: ``` linux5.15-5.15.131_1: updating to 5.15.137_1 ... linux5.15-5.15.137_1: unpacking ... ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to extract file `./boot/vmlinuz-5.15.137_1': Operation not permitted ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to extract files: Operation not permitted ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to unpack files from archive: Operation not permitted linux5.15-5.15.131_1: updating to 5.15.137_1 ... linux5.15-5.15.137_1: unpacking ... ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to extract file `./boot/config-5.15.137_1': Operation not permitted ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to extract files: Operation not permitted ERROR: linux5.15-5.15.137_1: [unpack] failed to unpack files from archive: Operation not permitted ``` ### Steps to reproduce 1. use /boot on vfat partition (for examply to have shared EFI and /boot space). 2. try to upgrade (important) linux5.15 package (newer kernel)