New issue by laemeiqu on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 6.5.11_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel/VM uptodate FF ### Package(s) Affected perl-LWP ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? _No response_ ### Expected behaviour Expect ratings functionality of module of irssi to work inside irsi: ``` /run /scriptassist ratings all [17:19] ,--[ScriptAssist] [17:19] | o [13 votes] [17:19] | o [12 votes] [17:19] | o [7 votes] ........ ``` ### Actual behaviour installing perl-LWP does not install perl module HTML::HeadParser (part of HTML-Parser) To get HTML::HeadParser this is what I did: sudo xbps-install -S cpanminus sudo cpanm install HTML::HeadParser After this the scriptassist ratings functionality of irssi worked as it should. ### Steps to reproduce 1. install irssi and perl-LWP 2. go into irssi 3. /run scriptassist 4. /scriptassist ratings all You won't get ratings unless you also install HTML::HeadParser from cpan Installing the voidpackage "perl-HTML-Parser" might also solve the issue. If that is the case then perl-LWP should have perl-HTML-Parser as a dependency.