There is a new pull request by classabbyamp against master on the void-packages repository jdk-alts [RFC] fix the openjdk alternatives mess The current way the alternatives groups work for openjdk packages really sucks. They overlap and cause pkgdb errors, can get out-of-sync, and more. This approach hopes to fix (or at least improve) that. The new package `openjdk-common` replaces the xbps trigger that added the profile script for openjdk (which was a flawed approach and should have never been done). Instead of using alternative groups for specific JRE/JDK binaries, this approach uses just two symlinks, `/usr/lib/jvm/default-jdk` and `/usr/lib/jvm/default-jre`, which point to the selected `JAVA_HOME` (`/usr/lib/jvm/openjdkN`). The profile script in `openjdk-common` prefers `default-jdk` to `default-jre`, and just adds them to `PATH` and `MANPATH` instead of putting things in `/usr/bin`. With this approach, the selected JDK and JRE can probably still get out of sync, but the preference behaviour of the profile script should help mitigate this. I don't think it's currently possible to sanely deconflict/sync the alternatives groups. *(testing in progress)* #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES**|**briefly**|**NO** [ci skip] closes #47416 A patch file from is attached