New issue by libweirdness on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name GNU GMP Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library ### Package homepage ### Description I'm trying to learn Haskell, and Haskell Stack ( required by "Haskell Programming From 1st Principles" ) REQUIRES that this be installed & comprehensible. Which is the problem. As gmp isn't available through xbps, I installed it as root, and that *didn't* work, unfortunately... ..and you can see the error that I ( & others, in other contexts ) are having. I'm not competent-enough in geeking to crack this one, without maybe a half-month of digging ( I don't have the requisite understanding, and I'm slow, due to lots of brain injury ), so I'm asking for Void-community's help in this. Please make Haskell Stack installABLE, see? ( actually, I should perhaps be requesting Haskell Stack, itself, instead of the missing prerequisite for it? BOTH, please!! : ) IF gmp is required for Haskell Stack, THEN I'm presuming it's *also* required for the other method for installing Haskell, the Haskell Platform method, which I think is GHCup... Please help us learners "get in" to the learning, even if we're limited to living-in aarch64! Salut, Namaste, Kaizen, & gratitude, too, eh? ( : _ /\ _ ### Does the requested package meet the package requirements? Compiled ### Is the requested package released? Yes