New issue by HiPhish on void-packages repository Description: If a package is released under the terms of two licenses the manual says > Multiple licenses should be separated by commas, Example: `GPL-3.0-or-later, custom:Hugware`. However, this does not make it clear whether *either* of the license terms apply, or whether *both* apply. An example of a package where both licenses apply is `picom` which is under the terms of both the MPL-2.0 *and* MIT licenses. This ambiguity could be avoided by using [SPDX expressions]( to combine multiple licenses. These expressions can be arbitrarily complex and cover combinations of licenses (`AND` and `OR`) as well as exceptions (`WITH`) and grouping with parentheses. In the case of picom the SPDX expression is `MPL-2.0 AND MIT`. In fact, there is an SPDX file in the repo that contains this license: