New issue by Jipok on void-packages repository Description: ### Package name niri ### Package homepage ### Description Very cool window manager concept. If you add such binds: ``` Mod+A { focus-column-left; } Mod+S { focus-window-or-workspace-down; } Mod+W { focus-window-or-workspace-up; } Mod+D { focus-column-right; } ``` then moving through windows and workspaces can be represented as moving along a grid using WASD (as in games). Which is very convenient and the animation makes everything amazing. However, the authors' attitude towards X11(`X11 is very cursed`) and the lack of [Xwayland]( support makes it unsuitable for my use. Despite the fact that the readme clearly mentions a systemd dependency, I was able to build and run it under void without any problems. For those interested, I will leave my template here: ``` # Template file for 'niri' pkgname=niri version=0.1.0 revision=1 #archs="i686 x86_64" build_style=cargo hostmakedepends="pkg-config" makedepends="eudev-libudev-devel libxkbcommon-devel libinput-devel pipewire-devel pango-devel libseat-devel clang libgbm-devel" depends="eudev-libudev libxkbcommon libinput libpipewire pango libseat libgbm" short_desc="scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor" maintainer="Jipok " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" changelog="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=b26d39e6855de6de581b253d06cbaa375709b00a276626326b745e0d10b0ac70 post_install() { vmkdir etc/niri vcopy resources/default-config.kdl etc/niri/config.kdl } ``` ### Does the requested package meet the package requirements? Compiled ### Is the requested package released? Yes