There is a new pull request by balejk against master on the void-packages repository msmtp-1.8.26 msmtp 1.8.26 - **gsasl: update to 2.2.1.** - **mutt: revbump for libgsasl** - **jreen: revbump for libgsasl** - **msmtp: update to 1.8.26.** The msmtp release is not tagged yet but I was testing one of the changes and had to bump gsasl, so I'm pushing it here so that it can be used once the tag is pushed out (which I expect to be very soon since the version has already been incremented in the source). -- #### Testing the changes - I have briefly tested manually built git version of msmtp, I have also built the other two packages (`mutt` and `jreen`) for my architecture but did not try running them. #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (x86_64-musl) A patch file from is attached