There is a new pull request by yoshiyoshyosh against master on the void-packages repository libjxl-update libjxl: update to 0.10.2. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **YES** - built only: `swayimg`, `kimageformats` - built and tested: `darktable`, `imlib2`, `krita`, `libjxl-*` #### Local build testing - I built this PR locally for my native architecture, (`x86_64-glibc`) - built `libjxl` for `x86_64-musl` and `i686-glibc`, didn't build any of the other packages I also went from using a `build_wrksrc` to a `skip_extraction` -> `vsrcextract` in the `libjxl` package since [I was told to do that before]( A patch file from is attached