New issue by Luc-Saccoccio on void-packages repository Description: ### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 6.6.22_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel uptodate FFFF ### Package(s) Affected texlive2023-bin-2023_1 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the project's home (upstream) and/or another distro? _No response_ ### Expected behaviour texlive2023-bin installation ends up with the execution of `/opt/texlive2023-installer/install-tl`, which should install texlive. ### Actual behaviour The installation ends with ``` Automated TeX Live installation using profile: void.profile Loading ============================================================================= ./install-tl: The TeX Live versions of the local installation and the repository being accessed are not compatible: local: 2023 repository: 2024 Perhaps you need to use a different CTAN mirror? (For more, see the output of install-tl --help, especially the -repository option. Online via ============================================================================= texlive2023-bin-2023_1: post-install message: ======================================================================== To update your TeX Live installation use only the program /opt/texlive/2023/bin//tlmgr where is: - x86_64-linux ==> x86_64 architecture - i386-linux ==> i386 architecture for details see: WARNING: To avoid messing up your TeX Live installation, DON'T use the installation scripts in /opt/texlive-installer. This package only installs TeX Live infrastructure now, not TeX Live itself. For a basic installation (previous default), run "tlmgr install scheme-basic". For a full installation, run "tlmgr install scheme-full". ======================================================================== texlive2023-bin-2023_1: installed successfully. ``` And none of the actual commands are installed (`tlmgr` or compilers), but the package is registered as "installed successfully". ### Steps to reproduce Install `texlive2023-bin` on a fresh Void installation.