There is a new pull request by Calandracas606 against master on the void-packages repository fmt-and-spdlog-update [WIP] fmt: update to 10.2.1, spdlog: update to 1.14.1. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **NO** Build status (x86_64-glibc): - [x] spdlog - [x] coeurl - [x] mtxclient - [x] vtk - [x] python3-syndom - [x] paps - [x] opendht - [x] nheko - [x] mpd - [x] mkvtoolnix - [ ] kodi - [x] justbuild - [ ] imhex - [x] gnuradio - [ ] gerbera - [x] furnace - [x] easyeffects - [ ] devilutionX - [x] cryfs - [x] cherrytree - [x] Waybar - [x] MangoHud - [x] Bear - [ ] 0ad [ci skip] A patch file from is attached