There is a new pull request by tornaria against master on the void-packages repository gsl gsl: update to 2.8 (with some other minor updates) Rebuild / update as necessary: - **giac: update to** - **Clight: Rebuild for gsl** - **bogofilter: Rebuild for gsl** - **krita: update to 5.2.2.** (@Johnnynator) - **calligra: Rebuild for gsl** - **dieharder: Rebuild for gsl** - **easyeffects: update to 7.1.6.** (@zen0bit) - **enblend-enfuse: Rebuild for gsl** - **guvcview: update to 2.1.0.** - **igt-gpu-tools: update to 1.28.** - **lib2geom: Rebuild for gsl** - **inkscape: Rebuild for gsl** - **ipe: Rebuild for gsl** - **python3-cvxopt: Rebuild for gsl** - **qgis: update to 3.36.3.** (@ar-jan) - **sagemath: Rebuild for gsl** - **siril: Rebuild for gsl** - **xsnow: Rebuild for gsl** - **gnuradio: update to** - **gnuradio-nrsc5: rebuild for gnuradio** - **gnuradio-osmosdr: rebuild for gnuradio** - **gnuradio-rds: rebuild for gnuradio** - **gqrx: rebuild for gnuradio** Maybe it makes sense to merge together with #50295 so we only rebuild sagemath once. #### Testing the changes - I tested the changes in this PR: **briefly** Rebuilt and checked everything on x86_64 / x86_64-musl / i686 Cross built everything not nocross on aarch64 A patch file from is attached