On Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 2:27:59 AM UTC-6, Antonio Malcolm wrote:
OK< I've hit another issue, and can't seem to find a decent answer when searching:

In Cinnamon, applets won't launch from the menu, and when I run:

$ cinnamon-settings

I'm greeted with:

$ python: undefined symbol: pam_start

I can confirm both Python and PAM are installed on this machine, as well as python-pam.

So I was just sitting in MATE when I read this and installed cinnamon "sudo xbps-install -S cinnamon"
Log out into lxdm
Logged into it via lxdm.
click menu > gedit
It worked.
lxdm seems to just work with whatever I install and no setup, perhaps that'll help.  And for reference my /var/services
agetty-tty[1-6], alsa, dbus, dhcpcd, lxdm, ntpd.

I'll try with light-dm and will report back.