I'm trying to set up an rpi2 using the void rpi2 rootfs. I have it booting OK and have set up dbus, avahi-daemon, openssh etc etc. All good. However, trying to set up X11 I'm seeing this error Enter code here... bash-4.3# xbps-install -Syu xf86-video-fbturbo [*] Updating `http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current/armv7l-repodata' ... sunxi-mali-20140127_3: broken, unresolvable shlib `libUMP.so' xf86-video-fbturbo-0.4.0_8: broken, unresolvable shlib `libUMP.so' Transaction aborted due to unresolved shlibs. not sure what I need to do to install libump or whatever.