Hi, I manually installed Void following the documentation for installing on an UEFI system with root in encrypted LVM . Now after booting the system and syncing the repository data, I cannot install anything. Every attempt failes with xbps-install: -: the RSA signature is not valid! Do I have to sync some keys or so? In case it is important, this is the output of `xbps-query -vL`: 4661 http://muslrepo.voidlinux.eu/current (RSA signed) Signed-by: Void Linux 4096 3d:b9:c0:50:41:a7:68:4c:2e:2c:a9:a2:5a:04:b7:3f Thanks alot! PS: I posted this already today but didn't find it afterwards. It might be doubled now, sorry for that.