Try adding your user to the "disk" group? There may be another group with gvfs. But try this first: Void uses runit as the init process. You will want to star any daemons or services by creating a symbolic link for the daemon: ln -s /etc/sv/gvfsd /var/service/ Of course sv may not have an entry for it and you will need to look at a prexisting sv service for the basic up/down scripts. If it's already there, try: sv u gvfs Or sv --start gvfsd or similar. Also make sure FUSE is installed,gvfs may be trying to use this. Personally I am using udev, and nemo is mounting things just fine in cinnamon ( nemo being a fork of thunar I think ). As soon as I installed gnome I started getting network key related errors at login .... I haven't fully moved into Void yet so I'll look at gnome and see if I'm having a similar issue.