Someone brought to my attention that notifications don't seem to work with Profanity so I decided to look at the pkg build: # Template file for 'profanity' 2 pkgname=profanity 3 version=0.4.5 4 revision=1 5 # Package build options 6 build_options="notify xscreensaver" 7 build_style=gnu-configure 8 configure_args="$(vopt_enable notify notifications) $(vopt_with xscreensaver)" 9 hostmakedepends="pkg-config" 10 makedepends="glib-devel expat-devel ncurses-devel libgcrypt-devel libotr-devel 11 libcurl-devel libstrophe-devel $(vopt_if notifications libnotify-devel) 12 $(vopt_if xscreensaver libXScrnSaver-devel)" 13 short_desc="A console based XMPP client" 14 " If someone can clear this up in my head I'd appreciate it.