I installed miruo for wifi monitoring playing around --- I googled miruo and all I get is Asian writting even in GIT i don't speak that let alone read it.. I am getting this error when trying to run it off the command line [userx@voided ~]$ miruo miruo_init_pcap: [error] wlan0: You don't have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted) wlan0 how do I set that up? this is the groups I belong to so far [userx@voided ~]$ groups userx wheel lp users and these are all of the groups I have on box [userx@voided ~]$ cat /etc/group root:x:0: bin:x:1: sys:x:2: kmem:x:3: wheel:x:4:userx tty:x:5: tape:x:6: daemon:x:7: floppy:x:8: disk:x:9: lp:x:10:userx dialout:x:11: audio:x:12:pulse video:x:13: utmp:x:14: adm:x:15: cdrom:x:16: optical:x:17: mail:x:18: storage:x:19: scanner:x:20: network:x:21: kvm:x:24: input:x:25: nogroup:x:99: users:x:100:userx xbuilder:x:101: dbus:x:22: lxdm:x:999: polkitd:x:998: pulse-access:x:997: pulse:x:996: rtkit:x:995: uuidd:x:994: userx:x:1000:userx usbmux:x:993: ------------------------------------- so what do I got a do to get this up and running now??? thanks