For those of you who are looking for a place for real-time collaboration the freenode irc channel #xbps is the best place for that now. As far as adding more structure to the contribution flow I would like to recommend a phabricator instance. I've been using it at work to manage a team with many different projects and it has proven to be the best collaboration system I've yet used. I have an install at, feel free to dig around and read the phabricator overview. It's like having your own github but with additional collaboration options available and easy to implement workflow strategies (code review, ci integration, workboards, tasks, projects, teams). It puts everything in one place and seamlessly integrates wtih github to keep the public face there. On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 11:42:51 PM UTC-6, JD Robinson wrote: > > I think I'm going to jump on the bandwagon here. I just installed void to > get away from debian and systemd variants. I have had a hard time finding > how-to's just to get over the technical hump of learning xbps but am not > the least bit dissapointed. I may query some of our local higher education > institutions locally to to see what their polocies are on mirroring.