Hi, your solution solved my problem: Chaning subnet to 32 instead of 24. Thank you and kind regards, Danny Von: Steven Honson Gesendet: Samstag, 8. September 2018 12:22 An: danny.korpan@mailbox.org Cc: wireguard@lists.zx2c4.com Betreff: Re: Routing only to latest peer in the config list seems to work Hi Danny, Have you also changed the mask for each of the peers on your central node to /32? If not you’ll need to do this, as leaving them as /24 still effectively makes them all the same route. Ie and are both the same still. The “AllowedIPs" on the central node to be, etc in your example. You can leave the “Address” IPs with a /24 mask. Are you able to share an updated copy of your configs? Cheers, Steven On 8 Sep 2018, at 6:36 pm, danny.korpan@mailbox.org wrote: Hi, I’ve changed the AllowedIPs so that everyone has it’s own dedicated IP. Still the same problem. No routing. Kind Regards, Danny Von: Ryan Whelan > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. September 2018 19:14 An: danny.korpan@mailbox.org Cc: WireGuard mailing list > Betreff: Re: Routing only to latest peer in the config list seems to work You're using the same AllowedIPs for multiple peers. On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 12:15 PM < danny.korpan@mailbox.org> wrote: Hi, I have the problem with my wireguard server, that only the latest user "peer" from the server config can route/ping to the internal wireguard server IP or the clients in the network behind the wireguard server upon successful connection. All peers can connect to the server, but only the latest in the list last can ping other servers. I can't locate the error in the configs... does anybody have an idea? My wireguard server and client version is using 0.0.20180809-wg1~xenial with Ubuntu 18.04.1 wg0.conf [Interface] Address = PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE ListenPort = 51820 PrivateKey = XXX [Peer] #User 1 PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX AllowedIPs = [Peer] #User 2 PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX #AllowedIPs = [Peer] #User 3 PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX AllowedIPs = [Peer] #User 4 PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX AllowedIPs = client.config [Interface] PrivateKey = XXX DNS = Address = [Peer] PublicKey = XXX PresharedKey = XXX AllowedIPs =, Endpoint = my.remote.server:51820 PersistentKeepalive = 25 My sysctl.conf includes net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp = 1 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 Does anybody have an idea? Kind Regards, Danny _______________________________________________ WireGuard mailing list WireGuard@lists.zx2c4.com https://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/wireguard _______________________________________________ WireGuard mailing list WireGuard@lists.zx2c4.com https://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/wireguard