
in place upgrades from iOS 12 -> iOS 13 (release) seem to work well in general. But there is a bizarre issue depending on remote endpoint ports. If you have, in my case, 4500/UDP configured as remote endpoint the tunnel does not send or receive traffic. Changing it to any other port works. Changing back to 4500/UDP breaks it again reproducibly. For others, documented here , it is 1500/UDP, in #WireGuard there has been a documented issue for 500/UDP not working.

I have AnyConnect installed in parallel and checked, whether that's related. But removing and resetting Network settings did not fix port 4500 for me.

As there is no port number dependent branching in the WireGuard-iOS code base, this is likely an iOS regression. Does any one of you have a working channel to Apple to report this?

Thank you for an else excellent product. Let me know if I can be of any help.

Best regards,
