I am not asking to castrate WG in any way and suppose you are referring likely to WG clients when citing a roaming scenario, at least my servers are not roaming. And on a server I prefer tight control over what is happening with the network. Hence, it would be good to have an option (enhancing WG) in the settings/configuration: - choose ip protocol version - ipv4 or or ipv6 or both - bind WG to either iface(s) or subnet(s) I trust that such is available and common practice with other VPN apps. > If wg was binding to a particular interface, I don't think it would be > possible to support roaming scenarios. I have a travel wifi router, > and I love the fact that it will automatically switch between > connecting through the Ethernet interface or the USB tethering one. > > The need you describe is orthogonal to the role of wireguard. If you > want to tightly control what wireguard is doing, you should use 1) > good routing rules and 2) iptables to match these rules. >