Hi Jason, On Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 04:02:49PM +0200, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > Various networking people have been poking and prodding about > supporting IPv6 Link Local addresses and about supporting special > multicast addresses. *I MAY VERY WELL NEVER CHOOSE TO IMPLEMENT THIS* > but in case I do, I wanted to start spec'ing out what this might look > like in order to think about it better. There are a lot of odd > concerns to take into account, so I doubt that the below will wind up > as a final solution. This is good news! I can't wait to see Babel running on a wireguard interface with several peers, or even what OSPF would look like on such a network. That being said, for the purpose of a routing protocol like Babel, I think it still makes more sense to use only *point-to-point* wireguard links. Link-local and multicast communication solves the problem of discovering remote routing daemon, but the AllowedIPs list is still static, which does not make sense for a routing protocol. With point-to-point links, you can bypass this limitation by simply setting AllowedIPs to ::/0. Of course, once we have dynamic AllowedIPs, this will change :) Regarding the current consensus about link-local and multicast: 1) link-local: > This command fails and returns -ENOTUNIQ if two existing peers have > the same value of hash(pubkey). When this command succeeds:, the wg0 > interface receives an automatically assigned IP address of > fe80::hash(interfacepubkey)/64. Every peer has > fe80::hash(peerpubkey)/128 implicitly added to their allowed-ips. When > adding a new peer, if hash(pubkey) is the same value of an existing > peer, the command fails and returns -ENOTUNIQ. This looks like a very good idea, and I think it should be enabled by default. What would be the cost of doing this, except for the risk of collision? If I'm not mistaken, you would have a high chance of collision starting with around 2**32 peers (see [1]). 2) multicast: I agree that George's solution (no implicit multicast AllowedIPs, and AllowedIPs in a multicast range have a "cloning" semantic instead of the usual "moving" semantic) is clean. There is just the minor issue of subnets that encompass both unicast and multicast addresses, the simplest one being ::/0. Such subnets could be automatically split by wireguard, or just have the "moving" semantic of unicast subnets. With this last option, a user would have to explicitly add a subnet which is *within* a multicast prefix to trigger the "cloning" semantic. Another idea could be to add ff02::1/128 (the all-nodes multicast address) by default to every peer. This would allow to nicely discover the link-local address and RTT of neighbouring peers by simply running: $ ping -6 -L -I wg0 ff02::1 PING ff02::1(ff02::1) from fe80::XXX%wg0 wg0: 56 data bytes 64 bytes from fe80::YYY%wg0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.459 ms 64 bytes from fe80::ZZZ%wg0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.692 ms (DUP!) However, it would be another special case in Wireguard, and some people might want to disable this behaviour if it's enabled by default. Baptiste [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem#Probability_table