Hi everyone,

I've set up a Wireguard server on a Mac Mini and can remotely connect with no problems. However, all attempts to access anything else on my server's LAN while connected have been unsuccessful.
Most guides and documentation I've found to get this routing working are written with the assumption Linux's `iptables` are available, but on macOS the only available option appears to be `pf`. My attempts thus far to get those `iptables` rules ported correctly to `pf` have failed.
Have any of you gotten LAN access working correctly on macOS with `pf`? If so, I'd greatly appreciate your guidance!
My server config
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
AllowedIPs =
My peer config
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
Endpoint = ${SERVER_PUBLIC_IP}:51820
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
PersistentKeepalive = 25
The script to load my `pf` rules (run before starting Wireguard on the server), using this article as a guide: https://blog.netnerds.net/2016/11/share-vpn-with-os-x-sierra-internet-sharing/
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

# Disable pfctl
pfctl -d
sleep 1

# Flushe all pfctl rules
pfctl -F all
sleep 1

# Starts pfctl and loads the rules from the nat-rules file
pfctl -f /private/etc/nat-rules -e
The rules themselves, saved at `/private/etc/nat-rules`.
I've confirmed that `en0` is my server's ethernet interface, and `utun1` is the interface WireGuard uses (printed on WireGuard startup)
nat on en0 from to any -> (en0)
nat on utun1 from to any -> (utun1)
(Apologies for the duplicate message, I didn't receive any reject/accept response, and the confirmation string for canceling the message expired. Giving this another try...)