I'm running Wireguard on a number of Debian 9 and CentOS 7.6 VMs. On the CentOS VMs I experience the same issue as https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/wireguard/2018-July/003134.html. I'm using wireguard-dkms and wireguard-tools from https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/jdoss/wireguard/ and using the wg-quick service. I do *not* have NetworkManager installed. Each time wg0 comes up, a different IPv6 link-local address is added to it. With SaveConfig set to true, these accumulate indefinitely. Using identical configuration on the Debian 9 VMs, I don't ever get any link-local addresses assigned to wg0. Xand