
Version: MacOS App Store 0.0.20190610 (13)
Go Version: 0.0.20190517

I’ve been using Wireguard on MacOS for the last couple of months without issue. Two days ago I upgraded to MacOS 10.15 Catalina and everything had been working fine up until this morning when Wireguard randomly deleted its configuration.

I had connected to my Wireguard server and had an ssh session going over the tunnel when my connection stopped working. Checking Wireguard showed that the tunnel I had been using was no longer listed in the tunnel manager. I tried restating Wireguard but the configuration didn’t come back and had to be recreated.

Logs: https://gist.github.com/gaffneyc/624ea733e1cfa42adabfa2fcbecaf1c8

- Chris Gaffney