> Jason already explained it but maybe it needs to be repeated several more > times. No need, it is understood. > WG security model doesn't rely on which interface, port or subnet it's > listening on. You can screw your network configuration in myriad ways and > WG will still save you due to it's design. Private keys are all that matters. > Keep them secure and forget about the rest of things you know about > unbound, dnsmasq, bind, ssh, openvpn and ipsec. Use route tables and > netfilter rules to choose where the network traffic should go. That's all. > > ​Jordan That seems a bit of narrow focus, and sort of insinuating that WG due to its design is invincible, when WG is just one piece integrating into a broader (server) network landscape. Also wondering how ssh is discarded when the WG online presence stating: "WireGuard aims to be as easy to configure and deploy as SSH. A VPN connection is made simply by exchanging very simple public keys – exactly like exchanging SSH keys" For that matter it is pretty easy in ssh to limit its socket and iface/ip range exposure. Is it due to the inferior design of ssh that such security hardening features are made available/considered? If you keep the ssh keys safe that should be all that matters, should it not?