Hi Jason, all-- On Mon 2017-12-11 01:32:53 +0100, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > A new snapshot, `0.0.20171211`, has been tagged in the git repository. thanks for this! > * contrib: keygen-html for generating keys in the browser This includes: contrib/examples/keygen-html/curve25519_generate.js which appears to be a generated file -- looks like it would normally be built from: contrib/examples/keygen-html/src/curve25519_generate.c based on this comment in the headers of the .c file: Build with emcc -O3 --memory-init-file 0 -o curve25519_generate.js curve25519_generate.c A few questions about this situation, as it doesn't align with the rest of the source: * is there a reason to include a generated file in the revision control? This seems similar to introducing a compiled copy of /usr/bin/wg to the source code, which doesn't seem like a great plan. * Is there a reason not to use a Makefile in this example directory, as a standard way of indicating how to do the build? * The conversion to the SPDX header of the .js file seems to be done manually. if the generated .js file will stay in this example, will the SPDX header be re-created after any change to the .c source? * Do you expect packagers do rebuild this with whatever version of emscripten available to them? Or should that be left up to the party who makes use of the key-generator? In debian, i can't reasonably ship a binary artifact that i can't build from source (this is sensible debian policy, and one of the things that keeps debian a free software operating system). Alas, in debian emscripten seems to be having maintenance difficulties: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/emscripten so it'll take me longer to package and release this snapshot if want to include the keygen-html example with the compiled binary. I think the simplest thing for now is to drop the .js from the example source, add a Makefile, and shift the burden of compilation/emscripten onto the administrator who decides to deploy keygen.html. I welcome any other suggestions or different perspectiveson the situation. --dkg