On Mon 2017-01-02 10:17:30 -0500, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: > On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 5:57 AM, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote: >> Check out the man page, read the script -- >> https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/tools/wg-auto-config -- and >> please let me know what you think before I cut the next snapshot. > Renamed: > https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/tree/src/tools/wg-auto-config.bash debian is unlikely to install this if it is expected to be named with a .bash suffix: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-scripts >>> When scripts are installed into a directory in the system PATH, the >>> script name should not include an extension such as .sh or .pl that >>> denotes the scripting language currently used to implement it. That said, i'm not sure what you want with this. If the ultimate goal is to have systemd-style .network files, you should ask for these changes in systemd itself. That's likely the cleanest approach. If you do this, please post a link here to the systemd github issue or pull request. :) If it's just "we want a configuration for wg, but with some common/handy wrappers around /bin/ip", you could (a) fork and exec ip from wg itself when running "wg setconf", or (b) name the wrapper something like /usr/bin/wg+ip --dkg