Hi Richard,


I apologise for the delay. (Becoming my standard letter introduction these days. )


Your error is saying that NetCfgInstanceId value did not appear in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\<id> registry key in 10 seconds. Can you check the registry key what's going on there, please?


Also, check the event log (System and Application and Service Logs\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceSetupManager) for any errors at the time you are attempting to activate the tunnel. Maybe there's some disabled service causing interface device creation to fail?


Maybe your Windows is attempting to access Windows Update for a newer version of Wintun driver first, triggering 10 second timeout in WireGuard?


Best regards,



From: WireGuard <wireguard-bounces@lists.zx2c4.com> On Behalf Of Richard Reiner
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 5:38 AM
To: wireguard@lists.zx2c4.com
Subject: Windows client "Unable to create Wintun device"


On one of my machines, the Wireguard Windows client 0.0.35 was previously working well, but as of today whenever attempting to activate any tunnel it generates errors with log messages like:


  2019-11-11 17:32:48.033: [TUN] [tun22] Unable to create Wintun device: Unable to create Wintun interface: GetStringValueWait(NetCfgInstanceId) failed: Timeout waiting for registry value


An uninstall - reboot - reinstall has not corrected this/


The affected machine has received some Windows 10 updates recently as well as a VMware Player update.

But another machine with the same software installed works fine.


Any thoughts or suggestions?