Dear List

    I've tried all sorts of things to answer my own question (the question I asked the list a little while ago; my initial e-mail is appended below) but to no avail. However, I've found something, on the Wireguard list itself, which looks as though it may help - but I do not understand it well enough. Might anyone help? The material I found is located here:



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Exempting two things from WireGuard tunneling
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 00:33:25 +0000

Dear List

I'd like to exempt two things from WG: (1) some samba shares, accessed
via autofs, which give me enough trouble without having VPN dropouts
(courtesy of my VPN provider and/or my ISP) as well, (2) Netflix (which
I run via a Chrome app). The samba shares all have fixed IPs and most of
them are on a single Windows machine, on my home network, and another
share is to router-attached USB storage (and only works on Samba
protocol version 1, for some reason; the other shares work on version 3).

I imagine many people will want to do each of these things. There was
something on the list a long time back, I think, about 2, but it was too
technical for me to understand. (My VPN and Wireguard knowledge is
minimal, though I have Bash scripts that put WG up and take it down, and
tell it which servers(s) to use.)

With thanks,