I found two Wireguard problems under Windows and am looking for help First problem When you generate a key, its first character is „\” or „+” then the peer configuration does not work properly and you cannot connect to such configured client Exampe C:\Program Files\WireGuard>wg genpsk +RFmc+cEztZ/XcNquWvUJdNqlVfYWB3fM7bVCDaUOV4= [Peer] PublicKey = vruCee8G/DSwxotMHfhYQu8hcDEyi6uX4XEjT4FDxDc= PresharedKey = +RFmc+cEztZ/XcNquWvUJdNqlVfYWB3fM7bVCDaUOV4= All the peers below stop working Second problem The Wireguard network IP address registers itself in DNS all the time and ignores the setting that it should not register the connection in DNS. This is a big problem on a Windows domain controller, because then clients from the LAN side can't connect because the server is constantly reporting from Wireguard's IP. I set RegisterThisConnectionsAddress to false powershell.exe -command "Get-NetAdapter peer_server | Set-DnsClient -RegisterThisConnectionsAddress $false" I set the metric high so that interfacet is not the main connection powershell.exe -command "Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias peer_server -InterfaceMetric 5000" peer.conf (on Domian controler ) [Interface] Address = ListenPort = 51820 PrivateKey = WKUBw36Y8f04Ke6dgaXVUJPWYXcF5E2IIDUvQ+omX2Q= PostUp = powershell.exe -command "Get-NetAdapter peer_server | Set-DnsClient -RegisterThisConnectionsAddress $false ; Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias peer_server -InterfaceMetric 5000" Despite these settings, Wireguard still registers its address with the DNS server