Hello there! I'm using WireGuard about a year and really happy with it. It's easy-to-use, fast and stable. Great thanks for this precious software. Sometimes I use servers from providers which do not have any internal network. So I tried to setup Docker Swarm and route it's ingress network over WireGuard. For some reason it's not working: internal load balancer fails to access containers from other nodes. So it's impossible to reach containers from other nodes, load balancing/routing mesh becomes completely broken. Setup is pretty basic and everything works like a charm but this particular feature. I also found few related questions, so there are number of people interested in fixing this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52409012/docker-swarm-mode-routing-mesh-not-working-with-wireguard-vpn https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/37985 https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/36689 (that's my issue, more details here) Of course, I do understand that this could be Docker-specific issue, so I'm just asking here for some directions: - Does someone succeeded at enchancing Docker Swarm with WireGuard? - My it be netns-related thing? Should we place Docker ingress network and wg0 interface into same namespace? Any help appreciated. -- Best regards, Kirill Kovalev