
I read that section of the docs. it doesn't explain the behavior of those commands on an already "warm" wireguard device (i.e. while the device is in up state).

M. Dietrich,

the add conf may work when adding a node, but I also need something when removing a node of the mesh.

two questions:
1. If initialize a wireguard device with a configuration file and then update the file will the configuration be updated?
2. if I run the set-conf command on an already initialized wiredguard device, will the configuration be updated without losing the current (and still existing after the new configuration) connections?


Raffaele Spazzoli
Tel: +1 216-258-7717

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 12:38 PM M. Dietrich <> wrote:
Quotation from Raffaele Spazzoli at Februar 17, 2019 16:21:
> I'm using wireguard to build a VPN mesh. The nodes of the mesh are dynamic
> and can come and go at any time. Is there a way to reconfigure a wireguard
> device without restarting it or losing the current connections?


> If yes, how can it be done?

other way around: configure wireguard with the `wg` command
and  that is persisted to the configuration file.

on restart the file is read and your config applied.

M. Dietrich