Phil, Matthias,

thanks for the answers. I haven't received Matthias answer but I can see it in the archive.

The reason I wanted to do it the way I initially described is laziness. I'm setting up the machines using Ansible[0]. It'd be great if I didn't need any special cases but it seems that that's going to be way easier than figuring out another way (which doesn't even seem to exist yet) ;-)

Thank you both!


[0] <> (It's not beautiful but it does what I need)

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 9:16 PM Phil Hofer <> wrote:
> Now I want to add an outside client into the mix (e.g. my laptop). I want to be able to connect to just one of those hosts and have that host forward my packages to the others.
> I can get it to work if I pick _one_ specific jump host but I haven't managed to set it up in a way that I can connect to any of them.

You might consider setting up just one of your servers
as a gateway for a subnet dedicated to your client machine(s).
Then add routes on your servers to the gateway.

For example, set up as the gateway to,
and set your client machine up as Machines on remain connected directly.

If you need to be able to route through any one of
your servers on an ad-hoc basis, then you'll need some
additional routing protocol magic, as Matthias suggested.
